Estate Planning Overview
Estate planning helps ensure that your assets are distributed accordingly upon your death. An often overlooked pillar of wealth management, our services include making sure your accounts have designated beneficiaries, there's an open dialogue with your future estate representatives, and your Will matches your objectives.
Contact us today to make sure your legacy is protected.
Asset Protection
Strategies for asset protection, including:
- Investment Management of Trust accounts
- Naming Beneficiaries on Registered Accounts and Insurance Solutions
- Reviewing Wills and Power iof Attorney Documents
- Avoiding probate and Minimizing Estate Taxes.
Beneficiary Designations
Determine who will receive
your assets after you pass away. Use your beneficiary designation to direct the distribution of your assets, including retirement accounts and insurance policies.
Incapacity Planning
Create a power of attorney and a living will to ensure that your medical and financial affairs are handled according to plan in the event that you are incapacitated.
Trusts can be a very valuable tool for asset protection, tax planning, and providing for your loved ones. Get help navigating the different types of trusts and how you can use them to achieve your financial goals. Using trusts can help with:
- avoiding probate fees
- controlling and protecting funds from vulnerable individuals
- providing for future generations
Succession Planning
Ensure that your business or other assets are transferred to your next of kin. Succession planning that ensures there is a smooth transition of ownership, taxes are minimized, and the value of your estate has maximized value.
Tax Planning
Ensure that your legacy and estate are not diminished by taxes. Create tax planning strategies such as estate freezes and charitable giving to ensure that the estate is passed down without a large tax burden.
"I have learned that the people who best serve my financial needs turn out to be those who have a desire to understand the personal and human side of me and my family." N. & S.